Red and pink bride’s bouquet with protea

Red and pink bride’s bouquet with protea, eustomas, spray roses, chrysanthemums, ranunculuses and other flowers. Bouquets for mothers and a bridesmaid, buttonhole flowers for the groom and wedding guests.

Bride’s bouquet in Burgundy colour

Bride’s bouquet in burgundy color of roses in several shades of pink, burgundy and white, amaranthus, peonies and eucalyptus. Bouquets for mothers and bridesmaids, buttonhole flowers.

Wedding bouquet with cosmoses

Wedding bouquet with cosmoses, English roses, spray roses, dahlias, chamomile. Round-shape variant. Basic colours: white, pink, peach, salmon.

Bride’s bouquet with cosmoses

Bride’s bouquet with cosmoses, English roses, delphiniums, dahlias, asters and other flowers. Základní barvy: bílá, růžová, modrá.

Red bride’s bouquet with amaranthus

Red bride’s bouquet with amaranthus, ordinary and English roses, carnations, eustomas, astilbes and eucalyptus. Wedding archs segments with red peonies.

White and peach wedding bouquet

Kytice nevěsty

White and peach wedding bouquet of eustomas, matthiolas, veronicas, astrantias, asters, carnations, trachelium and eucalyptus.