Hand-tied bouquets


Meadow bouqs


Flower boxes

Flower boxes 











Most popular flowers

Pink bouquet SP18
Pink bouquet SP18
1,950 CZK
Gift bouquet R26
Gift bouquet R26
2,125 CZK
Gift bouquet R30
Gift bouquet R30
From 1,475 CZK
A bouquet of eustomas U2
Bouquet U2
1,350 CZK
A bouquet in Provence colours
A bouquet in Provence colours
From 1,590 CZK
White and pink bouquet R31
White and pink bouquet R31
2,150 CZK
White bouquet W6
White bouquet W6
1,850 CZK
Light pink bouquet with roses and gerberas
Light pink bouquet with roses and gerberas
From 1,350 CZK
Bouquet of eustomas and statice U3
Bouquet of eustomas and statice U3
2,250 CZK
Bright roses and gerberas bouquet
Bright roses and gerberas bouquet
From 1,650 CZK
Pastel bouquet R36
Bouquet R36
1,750 CZK
Bouquet of eustomas and eucalyptus U5
Bouquet U5
1,950 CZK
Bouquet R37
Bouquet R37
2,350 CZK
Bouquet of eustomas and alstroemerias U1
Bouquet of eustomas and alstroemerias U1
1,850 CZK
Baby’s breathe bouquet
Baby’s breathe bouquet
1,500 CZK
Pastel bouquet R25
Pastel bouquet R25
1,450 CZK

Complementary products





Fruit baskets

Fruit baskets 

Soft toys

Soft toys 

Wedding flowers

Brides' bouquets

Choose a bouquet

Wedding projects

More projects

Wedding archs

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Bouquets, flower boxes and arrangements with delivery in Prague

Flowers in Prague

We offer services in all fields of floristry: tied bouquets mixed and from one genus of flowers, flower boxes, wedding floristry, flower baskets and other spatial flower decoration, funeral floristry. As accessories, we offer wines from our own imports from Alsace and Burgundy, which you will not find anywhere else in Prague, as well as helium-filled balloons, fruit and cheese baskets, stuffed animals and candies.

More than a thousand words about our work will be told by the photos of the bouquets we tied for our clients and friends. Take a look at our pages that describe our activities. We are a universal florist, we have several years of successful experience behind us, our stable team of experts can handle any task.

Bride’s bouquets and wedding floristry

We offer a complete wedding flower service including bouquets for the bride, buttonhole flower for the groom and groomsmen, decoration of the ceremony site and wedding table. Next, we will make flower decorations for the wedding car, set up a candy bar, and decorate the wedding arch. We will also deliver a bouquet as a gift to the newlyweds.

Why buy from us

We would like to clarify a little about our artistic approach to our work. Basically, on this website and on our social networks, we only use photos of bouquets and flower arrangements created by our team. That’s why you can always appreciate our approach to flower creation, what we know, what we like. With the illustrations of our creations, we simply want to assure you that you can safely rely on us, you will receive a quality, fresh, color-matched flower and, above all, exactly according to your wishes.

But that doesn’t mean we don’t want to learn and experiment. If you send us a photo of bouquets or compositions that you found on another website and that you like, we will be happy to price it for you and then create it.

Of course, we are always happy to advise you in person, in writing and by phone. We will do everything to ensure that you and your loved ones are completely satisfied.

How to order flowers in Prague

The fastest, safest and easiest way is to order directly here on our e-shop, you can pay for the order either by card or by immediate payment to the account.

You can order flowers and arrangements by phone +420 607 817 716 (also Viber and WhatsApp), e-mail [email protected] or while visiting our brick-and-mortar shop in Rooseveltova street 49, Prague 6. The order can be paid in advance either in the store in cash or by credit card in the store or by bank transfer or via this website, special weblink or via the PayPal.

Flower delivery in Prague

Free flower delivery simply does not exist. It’s time, labor, fuel and maintenance costs. We fundamentally do not subsidize the delivery of bouquets around Prague at the expense of the quality of our flowers. However, we have been maintaining the lowest possible delivery rates for several years, taking the distance from the city center into account, of course. However, express delivery of bouquets on the same day is also possible, taking into account the currently available goods.

Pot flowers

In addition to the cut ones, we also offer a wide range of potted flowers, depending on the season, for rooms or balconies. We always have orchids, succulents and carnivorous plants. Stop by us or order a specific potted flower in advance.

Our flowershop is only few meters away from the underground and public transport stop.

Our flower shop is situated next to Dejvicka metro station in Rooseveltova street 49, Prague 6. We deliver flowers throughout Prague and its surroundings, we implement large flower projects throughout the Czech Republic and the neighbouring states.